We use independent judges to ensure that all nominees receive a fair chance of winning their category

The judging process for the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards is designed to be fair, transparent, and thorough. Here's an overview of how the judging process works:

  1. Nomination Submission
    Once nominations close, all eligible submissions are compiled and reviewed to ensure they meet the outlined criteria for each award category.
  2. Judging Panel Selection
    A panel of independent judges, including community and business leaders, is carefully selected to review the nominations. Judges are chosen for their expertise, impartiality, and commitment to recognizing excellence in the business and non-profit sectors.
  3. Confidential Review
    Judges receive the nominations along with detailed information about each nominee. To maintain fairness and confidentiality, each judge reviews the submissions independently and scores each nominee based on the award criteria, including business performance, community impact, and innovation.
  4. Scoring and Deliberation
    After individual evaluations, the judges convene to discuss the top candidates in each category. Judges deliberate, considering each nominee's contributions and overall impact. The panel may request additional information or clarification on any nomination if needed.
  5. Final Decision
    The judges' scores and discussions are used to determine the winner in each category. In the event of a tie or close scores, further deliberation is held to ensure a well-rounded decision. All decisions made by the judging panel are final.
  6. Announcement of Winners
    Winners are kept confidential until the awards gala, where they are publicly announced. Nominees and the community will be notified in advance to attend the event in celebration of the finalists and winners on Friday November 29, 2024.